South East Herts Beekeepers Association
Promoting beekeeping and supporting beekeepers (since 1947)
Hertford, Hoddesdon, Cheshunt, Broxbourne, Ware, Bengeo, Goffs Oak, Cuffley, Stanstead Abbotts and surrounding areas.
Introduction to Beekeeping Course
Interested in learning about beekeeping or just learning more about bees?
Our Introduction to Beekeeping Course is specifically designed for beginners, equipping you with all of the basic knowledge of how to keep and look after honey bees.
Learn about the life of the bee, the different types of hive, threats to our bees, how to stay safe around bees and get hands-on experience handling bees. We also look at bee-friendly flowers, honey production, collection and much more.
Our next Introduction to Beekeeping Course will start on the 10th March 2024 and comprises of 4 x 2 hour classroom sessions and 2 x apiary visits. These sessions are run on Sunday afternoons (except Easter Sunday) between 2pm and 4pm. Don’t worry if you can’t make all of the sessions as comprehensive handouts are provided and there is time set aside for questions and answers allowing you to catch up.
Location: Pound Close Youth and Community Centre, Stanstead Road, Hoddesdon. EN11 0PE
NEXT COURSE STARTS 10th March 2024.
Details will be posted here early in the New Year
Book your place now
To book your place please complete the Course Booking form which can be downloaded from the link below and send it to our Treasurer at the address shown on the form.
If you have any problems please contact us via this website and we will get back to you.
Introduction to Beekeeping Course
Sample Syllabus
SESSION 1 The Honey Bee – Life cycle, Protective clothing, Stings, Getting started with Beekeeping
Identifying bees, wasps and hornets
Three castes of the honey bee and their function, life cycle and life expectancy
The stages/timings of development of Workers, Drones and Queens
Protective clothing, bee stings and how to treat them
How to get started with beekeeping
SESSION 2 The Hive and its Construction
Components of a hive and their function
Types of hive – advantages/disadvantages
Frames –types, spacing and top/bottom bee space
Constructing frames and installing foundation
SESSION 3 Managing the Hive and Bees
Siting the hive – factors to consider
Annual cycle in managing the colony – inspections, adding/removing supers, feeding
Undertaking a hive inspection – smokers, hive tools and how to use them
Recognising the different cell types at different times of the year
Swarming – reading the signs, prevention, collection, re-hiving
SESSION 4 Apiary Visit 1
How to light a smoker and open a hive
Demonstration of the use of tools, equipment and handling the bees
Inspect and recognise eggs, larvae, workers, drones, the queen, capped brood
Recognise capped stores, unripe honey, pollen
SESSION 5 Bee Pests and Diseases and Honey extraction
Awareness of pests and diseases than can affect honey bees
Notifiable diseases and their recognition
Prevention and treatment, good husbandry
Honey extraction – when to remove supers, how to extract honey, bottling and labelling
SESSION 6 Apiary Visit 2
South East Herts Beekeepers Association – a local branch of Hertfordshire Beekeepers Association and a member of the British Beekeepers Association